Simple Rating Dialogue

Example Description
Full An example with the following characteristics:
  • One stage for everything.
  • Reasons added.
  • Maximum rating is 5 stars.
  • Dark mode enabled.
  • Maximum characters 34.
  • Privacy section enabled.
  • Optional page added.
  • Auto-submit if the number is stars is greater than 4.
Basic Basic texts in two pages.
Basic in the Same Page Basic texts that shows all in the same page.
Basic with Privacy Basic texts with a privacy policy in two pages.
Basic with Privacy in the Same Page Basic texts with a privacy policy in the same page.
Basic with Privacy and an Optional Page Basic texts with a privacy policy in two pages and an optional page.
Basic with an Optional Page Basic texts in two pages with an optional page.
Advanced Basic texts with reasons in two pages.
Advanced in the Same Page Basic texts with reasons that shows all in the same page.
Advanced with Privacy Basic texts with reasons and a privacy policy in two pages.
Advanced with Privacy in the Same Page Basic texts with reasons and a privacy policy in the same page.
Advanced with Privacy and an Optional Page Basic texts with reasons and a privacy policy in two pages and an optional page.
Advanced with an Optional Page Basic texts with reasons in two pages with an optional page.